
Friday, 10 January 2014

Yvonne Nelson Debunks Bleaching Tales After American Website Calls Her Out.

Ghanaian actress Yvonne Nelson has been forced to respond to rumors that she has been bleaching her skin. The rumors, fueled by her ever lightening skin complexion has been airing for nearly a year but the mention of her name by a US website, Atlanta Blackstar as one of 15 black celebrities believed to be whitening their skin, moved Miss Nelson to give a  response

Their report says

Atlanta Blackstar Report says ''Yvonne Nelson is a Ghanaian actress, model, film producer and entrepreneur. A former Miss Ghana contestant, Yvonne shot to fame after a big screen role in “Princess Tyra” and Playboy. Yvonne has denied that she has bleached her skin''.

 Yvonne Nelsons denial  says: “My present skin tone is as a result of the constant use of the famous Queen Elizabeth Cocoa Butter. About 3 years ago, I was fortunate enough to secure a deal to be the "Face of Queen Elizabeth Cocoa Butter" and as part of the contract, I was given a lifetime supply of the body cream. I have therefore been using this cream exclusively for 3 years, so what you see now is the result of the goodness of Queen Elizabeth. It has simply enhanced my natural complexion rather than bleach it.”

Queen Elizabeth Cocoa Butter, which is the official moisturiser of the British monarch, after whom the product is named is rich in akomfem oil which is believed to have given Miss Yvonne Nelson this caramel skin colour. It also contains vitamins A, E and F which are essential for nourishment and moisturising without leaving the skin greasy'
*This report of denial was a few months ago and Yvonne's skin is even lighter than when she was accused of wah!

so whose report should we believe? I am reading another thing and seeing another thing..

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