
Sunday, 11 September 2016


Dear Ayo, please post this on your blog but keep this as a secret between us, I don't want my identity known by anyone, thanks.
My boyfriend and I have been dating for six years now,things have not been rosy as he is financially handicapped but the love I have for him kept me going as I don't mind because I'm not after riches,
yes that kind of unconditional love is what I have for him.
I told him last two months that I missed my period, he was very happy about it that I'm two months gone, last week, he told me that since the pregnancy is unknown to anyone we should go to somewhere far away and have the baby then sell it for a huge amount of money,after that we can now get married and have other kids. He begged me while shedding tears,  I shunned him and disagreed ever since then,  he has abandoned me and have been restless about this and considering if I should.
I just need advises on what to do.


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